About compliance

COMPLIANCE. Still an unknown concept for many of us. What is it and where can you meet it?

The term compliance comes from the English language and could be simply explained as being in line with applicable regulations and/or with other rules. In business, compliance is defined as a process or internal program that ensures that the organization, its management, employees and often also business partners, suppliers and other third parties, comply with all applicable international and European regulations, domestic laws, ethical rules and standards. In short, all rules that apply to the organization and its industry. This is, however, not a purely legal concept. For modern businesses, compliance should be seen as a natural part of their internal strategy and corporate culture.

Enforcing the “rules of the game” helps organisations prevent and detect breaches, protecting them from, for example, fines, litigation, but also other negative consequences or inefficiencies in general. Corporate compliance programs therefore aim to keep organisations operating legally, safely, responsibly and sustainably. Compliance programs consist of many specific areas such as competition, data protection and information security, corruption and bribery prevention, contract law, tax law, third party due diligence, conflicts of interests etc. An effective compliance program teaches employees to treat each other professionally and to uphold the company values in and out of the workplace. It also improves communication between the organization’s leadership and its employees. A key element of a functional compliance program is the ongoing identification and management of applicable risks.

In the Czech Republic, compliance is mainly associated with criminal liability of legal entities, due diligence, protection of personal data, as well as corporate social responsibility (nowadays better known as “ESG”). This is usually the basic motivation for the implementation of corporate compliance programs. Abroad, compliance is a fully established topic. In addition, the need to integrate compliance programs into foreign organisations has been spurred by the adoption of very strict anti-corruption laws with serious penalties for the individual breaches. Foreign models also suggest that, in the long run, a compliance program can be a significant competitive advantage that increases the value of an organization. This is because a modern and effective compliance program relies on the organisation’s own willingness to comply with rules and ethical values. In doing so, the organisation demonstrates its commitment and internal quality. This gives it credibility with external partners and makes it much more attractive as an employer to its employees.

Explore our compliance and business ethics courses

This specialization reflects the demand by business practitioners for specialists skilled in compliance & ethics, risk management and sustainability and growing pressures stemming from national and international business environment.

No successful corporation can operate without a robust governance, risk and compliance framework ensuring compliance with key legal and regulatory requirements, ethical principles, and various customs. It also requires forward looking business continuity and crisis readiness. It has become a norm that investors observe sustainability performance prior to joining their capital with a business endeavor.

Target Group

Any Master programs and Erasmus+ Exchange students with an ambition to master leadership in compliance, risk management, corporate governance, business continuity & crisis readiness and sustainability can apply.

The individual courses as well as the whole minor specialization are also­ available to general public (CZK 6.000 per course and CZK 30.000 per the whole specialization).

Mandatory courses worth 30 ECTS credits

2PR511 Compliance and Business Ethics Lucie Andreisová Summer term
2PR512 Enterprise Risk Management Lucie Andreisová Winter term
2PR513 Sustainability Reporting Daniel Houska Winter term
2PR514 Business Continuity & Crises Management Jan Klouda Summer term
2PR515 Corporate Governance Jan Klouda Winter term

Main objectives of the minor specialization:

  1. To assess compliance risks and to design, implement, and maintain an effective framework of controls and processes in that respect.
  2. To design, implement, and maintain effective governance models supporting delivery of business goals within applicable legal and regulatory framework.
  3. To promote a positive compliance and ethical culture in a competitive business environment.

More details on this minor, including, for example, the detailed examination topics and also interviews with our current/ past students, may be found here.

Executive Academy: Professional Diploma in Corporate Compliance (PDCC)

In addition to the above, we have also launched a post-graduate (professional/ executive) course: Professional Diploma in Corporate Compliance (worth 3 ECTS credits). This course has been kicked-off in May 2024 and our second run is now planned for January 2025. For more details and registrations please contact Lucie Andreisová.

Course description

  • Professional Diploma in Corporate Compliance (PDCC) is a brand new practical and interactive post-graduate executive course that reflects the demand by regulators, shareholders and other key stakeholders for sustainable and ethical/ compliant businesses, and also the growing pressures stemming from national and international business environment. No successful corporation can operate without a robust governance, risk and compliance framework ensuring compliance with key legal and regulatory requirements and ethical principles. It also requires forward looking (effective) risk management strategies. It has become a norm that investors observe sustainability performance prior to joining their capital with a business endeavor.

Course objectives

There are 3 main objectives of this course (underlined by best practices sharing) – i.e. to master the below abilities:

  1. Ability to create and promote a positive compliance and ethical culture in a competitive business environment (and to set tone from the top effectively and lead by example);
  2. Ability to conduct an effective compliance risk assessment and also to realize how to interpret its outputs effectively (and how to transfer some of the risks into opportunities), together with the ability to manage the individual compliance risks and to design, implement, and maintain an effective framework of controls and processes in that respect (the so-called compliance management system);
  3. Ability to manage effective governance models supporting delivery of strategic business goals within applicable legal and regulatory framework.

Course format and logistics

  • Standard face-to-face interactive sessions (a combination of lectures and workshops) will apply: 4 face-to-face sessions (4 x 180 minutes) in January 2025 – please see „course outline“ for more details;
  • Soft drinks and minor refreshment to be provided (coffee, water, snack etc.);
  • Located at the Prague University of Economics and Business;
  • LMS Moodle to be in active use (discussions, additional materials etc.);
  • The PDCC course will be ended by submitting and also successfully presenting/ defending the final team assignment;
  • 100 % face-to-face participation is required to successfully pass the PDCC course; an official completion certificate will be issued afterwards (stamped by the University of Economics and Business);
  • The PDCC stands for 3 ECTS credits (i.e. 78 hours; note: 1 hour stand for 45 minutes):
    • Workshops (4 face-to-face meetings) = 16 hours;
    • Self-study (additional reading and other materials) = 12 hours;
    • Continuous preparation for workshops = 12 hours;
    • Preparation of the final team assignment and its presentation = 38 hours.
  • Language: English.


  • Ing. Lucie Andreisová, Ph.D. (LinkedIn profile here)
    • Lucie presides the Ethical Committee of the Prague University of Economics and Business. Apart from teaching Business Ethics and Compliance, Enterprise Risk Management, and also, for example, International Business Law at this University, she acts as Central European Head of Compliance & Ethics at Tesco Stores (currently on maternity leave). She is also part of Compliance Academy and International Compliance Association (ICA); she actively participates in global GRC conferences and also regularly publishes in this field. In short, Lucie is a passionate compliance and risk practitioner with a strong academic background and active professional life.

Course outline

1 9 January 2025 (Thursday)

474 New Building

Course introduction and general instructions.

GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance): Where does corporate compliance sit these days and why is it so important? How to manage compliance risks effectively? What are legal aspects of corporate compliance (duty of care, business judgement rule, criminal liability of legal entities etc.)?

Ing. Lucie Andreisová, Ph.D.
2 16 January 2025 (Thursday)

474 New Building

Corporate compliance in practice: Corporate values and ethics, compliance culture, compliance professionals, anti-bribery and anti-corruption compliance, competition law compliance (including dawn raids), whistleblowing etc. Ing. Lucie Andreisová, Ph.D.
3 23 January (Thursday)

474 New Building

Fraud prevention and market abuse: How to effectively combat fraud in different organizations?

Course recap and conclusion.

Ing. Lucie Andreisová, Ph.D.
4 30 January 2025 (Thursday)

474 New Building

Presentation of team assignments. Ing. Lucie Andreisová, Ph.D.

Recommended (target) audience

  • Board members, general managers and other statutory representatives
  • Senior managers
  • In-house lawyers
  • Attorneys
  • Compliance Managers
  • Enterprise Risk Managers
  • ESG Managers
  • Law graduates
  • Internal auditors
  • Judges
  • Prosecutors

Course capacity and price

  • Maximum of 15 participants.
  • 14.960,- CZK per the whole course, including refreshment, additional materials etc.




Compliance talks at the Prague University of Economics and Business

As part of the NPO project (National Recovery Plan), new podcasts were created at the Faculty of International Relations over the summer, focusing on compliance, business ethics and risk management topics that are key to today’s corporate world. The podcasts are in English and range in length from 25 to 70 minutes.

This series of podcasts has been created as useful material for the courses offered by FIR as part of the NPO. However, they are also tailored for all practitioners who want to learn more about key aspects of compliance, ethics and risk management in business.

In these podcasts you will hear interesting interviews with topical experts.

The first interview is with our graduate Lucie Grundová, who now works in compliance and data protection field. The second interview brings in the perspective of the CEO of Tesco Czech, Kateřina Navrátilová, on the topic of compliance and related responsibilities, not only in the context of her current role. The third interview takes you to Jan Klouda, who, in addition to his doctoral studies and teaching at FIR, is also involved as a member of the Board of Directors and Executive Board at Vodafone Czech, where he is responsible for (among others) compliance risk management. The fourth podcast features Miloš Jiřík, Director of Legal Affairs and a member of AVE’s compliance committee. Miloš’s journey from viewing compliance as a necessary evil to recognizing its essential role in safeguarding companies against significant losses is truly inspiring. The fifth podcast offers a fruitful conversation with Petr Moroz, a Czech GRC specialist and consultant from Scaut.com. The so far our last, sixth podcast, features Michael Vintr, a seasoned compliance and risk intelligence professional at Prescient and a co-founder of the non-profit PRINCEPS Risk Intelligence Institute, whose experience spans managing compliance and risk for various organizations, and his insights are truly invaluable.

All podcasts were prepared by our colleague Lucie Andreisová, who is involved in compliance and risk management in her professional and also academic practice.

We are looking forward to inviting you to listen to these podcasts! They are all available on Spotify.



Please check out the official web pages of the Department of Business and European Law, as there are at least two compliance-related “innoweek” events planned for the upcoming semester!

  1. Compliance & Risk Pub Quiz: Meet the Deloitte Risk Advisory teams
  2. Compliance, Risk, and Governance minor: What benefits does this minor bring and what is a job of a compliance officer about? (an interview with several colleagues from within the business practice)

Law in Business 2023 (link here)

7th Annual Antitrust and Competition Compliance in CEE (link here)

Our team

Lucie Andreisová

Lucie presides the Ethical Committee of the Prague University of Economics and Business. Apart from teaching Business Ethics and Compliance, Enterprise Risk Management, and International Business Law at this University she acts as Central European Head of Compliance & Ethics at Tesco Stores (currently on maternity leave). She is also a member of Compliance Academy and International Compliance Association (ICA). In short, Lucie is a passionate compliance and risk practitioner with a strong academic background and active professional life.

Jan Klouda

Jan is a Member of the Board of Directors in charge of Legal, Business Continuity, Wholesale & Corporate Security at Vodafone Czech Republic. Jan is also Board Member at the Association of Critical Infrastructure of the Czech Republic, holds Post-Graduate Diploma in Governance, Risk and Compliance from the UK International Compliance Association (ICA), and Certified Fraud Examiner certification from the US Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE).

Daniel Houska

Daniel is a member of the Platform on Sustainable Finance (advisory body to the European Commission regarding Taxonomy, ESG standards etc.) and an arbitrator for commercial disputes at the Arbitration Court attached to the Czech Chamber of Commerce and the Agricultural Chamber. Apart from that, he works as a Vice Dean for Study Affairs and teaches at the Prague University of Economics and Business and at the Czech Chamber of Auditors.

Our partners

Department of Business and European Law, Faculty of International Relations, Prague University of Economics and Business
Deloitte Risk Advisory
Czech Banking Association

Frequently asked questions

Would you like to become our partner and actively collaborate with our compliance students? We would be very happy to support that! We believe that the connection with professional practice is what significantly improves our teaching. We offer various forms of collaboration for further discussion: lectures, case studies, one-off external events, internships etc. Do not hesitate to further contact us!

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